Jumat, 03 September 2021

What Is Happening In Afganistan Now, Please Read The Above Naration.

"Do not listen to the soup sellers who claims themselves to be experts in geopolitics, and try to make you believe that the Taliban is the horrible Islamic monsters, against which the white American empire fought."

What is happening in Afghanistan, was signed and sealed on February 29, 2020, over a year ago, with the Doha Agreement between the United States and the Taliban.

 The text was then adopted unanimously by the UN.

Today, we see the US administration and allies pretending to be faced with a terrible surprise? The situation is much simpler, everything that is happening now has been negotiated between the United States and the Taliban.

It is literally: the Taliban and the American Minister of Foreign Affairs negotiated to end the Republic and the establishment of the Taliban regime to takeover power in Kabul. This was the whole purpose of the Doha agreement. 

Since the Doha agreement, a year and a half ago, it was already recognized that the Afghan Republic was not intended to last, Americans wrote in black and white that the Taliban would take power. Worse still, in the Doha agreement, it is specified that the Americans will release 5,000 Taliban detainees, in order to let them join the armed forces of the Taliban movement.

The Americans also pledged to lift all sanctions against the Taliban regime in order to allow it to grow and settle without being in an economic catastrophe. The Doha agreement ends with this statement which says: "The USA and the Taliban will seek positive relations with each other".

So no, the Taliban did not in five days, conquer and takeover the cities in Afghanistan by surprise. The Taliban simply applied the terms of the Doha Agreement, created by the US, which the armed forces of the Republic of Afghanistan simply deserted and joined the Taliban, because they have been de facto masters since the Doha Agreement was signed. 

This Doha agreement, led by the US and backed by majority in the UN, have been negotiating with the Taliban movement in Afghanistan, and not with the Afghan Republic government. What is incomprehensible in this story, is this staging of chaos and hasty departure under the effect of surprise, was actually mediated throughout the West.

This Doha Agreement, indeed establishes that the Taliban will allow foreign delegations to leave Afghanistan without danger. Until proof to the contrary, none of the 5,000 employees of the American or other embassy was ever threatened, everything is going exactly as planned.

So in reality, absolutely nothing surprising is happening in Afghanistan, other than what was planned. Do not listen to the Western media, who sells you a Saigon 2.0 to make you cry and make you open the door to migrants.

Do not listen to the soup sellers who claims themselves to be experts in geopolitics, and try to make you believe that the Taliban is the horrible Islamic monsters, against which the white American empire fought.

The actual facts are the Talibans are installed by the US, to whom the Americans have given the keys in the area to counter and hamper the Russian and Chinese.



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